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[Java版资讯] 【翻译征集/协同编辑】Minecraft Java 版 1.21 更新说明




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科比勋章_冰红茶神权论坛勋章论坛十周年纪念勋章石镐矿工勋章铁镐矿工勋章钻镐矿工勋章青苹果勋章红苹果勋章金苹果勋章小麦种勋章苹果树勋章下界疣勋章面包勋章曲奇勋章荣誉版主勋章骨灰勋章猪灵勋章Java正版勋章Windows 10正版勋章搬运工勋章新闻官勋章疯狂搬运工勋章金锭勋章金块勋章

发表于 2024-6-17 02:34:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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## 前言

New Features

  • Added a new underground structure called the Trial Chambers
  • 新增地下结构——试炼密室
  • Added 2 new mobs
  • 新增2种生物
    • Breeze
    • 旋风人
    • Bogged
    • 沼骸

  • Added a new weapon, the Mace
  • 新增武器——重锤
  • Added 3 new enchantments exclusive to the Mace
  • 新增3个重锤专属附魔
    • Density
    • 致密
    • Breach
    • 破甲
    • Wind Burst
    • 风爆
  • Added the following blocks:
  • 新增以下方块
    • Crafter
    • 合成器
    • Trial Spawner
    • 试炼刷怪笼
    • Ominous Trial Spawner
    • 不祥试炼刷怪笼
    • Vault
    • 试炼宝藏
    • Ominous Vault
    • 不祥试炼宝藏
    • New variants in the Copper Family
    • 新的铜制物变种
    • New variants in the Tuff Family
    • 新的灰岩物变种
    • Heavy Core
    • 沉重核心

  • Added the following items:
  • 新增以下物品
    • Trial Explorer Map
    • 试炼探索地图
    • Ominous Bottle
    • 不祥之瓶
    • Wind Charge
    • 风弹
    • Trial Key
    • 试炼钥匙
    • Ominous Trial Key
    • 不祥试炼钥匙
    • Breeze Rod
    • 风棒
    • 3 new Pottery Sherds
    • 3种新陶片
    • 2 new Banner Patterns
    • 2种新旗帜
    • 2 new Armor Trims
    • 2个新锻造模板
    • 4 new Potions
    • 4种新药剂
      • Potion of Infestation
      • 虫蚀药剂
      • Potion of Oozing
      • 渗浆药剂
      • Potion of Weaving
      • 盘丝药剂
      • Potion of Wind Charging
      • 蓄风药剂

    • 4 new Tipped Arrows
      • Arrow of Infestation
      • 虫蚀箭
      • Arrow of Oozing
      • 渗浆箭
      • Arrow of Weaving
      • 盘丝箭
      • Arrow of Wind Charging
      • 蓄风箭

  • Added 3 new Music Discs by Aaron Cherof and Lena Raine
  • 新增3个音乐唱片,由Aaron Cherof, Lena Raine作曲
  • Added 20 new Paintings
  • 新增20个挂画
    • 5 by artist Sarah Boeving
    • 5个由Sarah Boeving绘制
    • 15 by artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand
    • 15个由Kristoffer Zetterstrand绘制
  • Redesigned Bad Omen to give access to Ominous Events
  • 重新设计触发不祥事件
  • Added 6 new Status Effects
  • 新增6个状态效果
    • Infested
    • 虫蚀
    • Oozing
    • 渗浆
    • Weaving
    • 盘丝
    • Wind Charged
    • 蓄风
    • Raid Omen
    • 突袭预兆
    • Trial Omen
    • 试炼预兆

  • Added 9 new music tracks by Aaron Cherof, Kumi Tanioka, and Lena Raine
  • 新增9个背景音乐,由Aaron Cherof, Kumi Tanioka, Lena Raine作曲
  • Added 8 new Advancements
  • 新增8个成就
  • Added 4 new cave ambient sounds
  • 新增4种洞穴环境音
  • Boats are now leashable
  • 船现在可以被绳子牵引

StructuresTrial Chambers
结构 试炼密室
  • Trial Chambers are a new structure in the Overworld where players can explore and take on combat challenges

    • Made out of a variety of Copper and Tuff blocks, and can be found in different sizes
    • A relatively common find throughout the Deepslate layer of the underground
    • Natural mob spawning does not occur inside, similar to Ancient Cities
    • Never starts inside a Deep Dark biome, but can sometimes overlap it
  • 试炼密室是主世界的新结构,玩家能探索并进行战斗挑战。
  • 由大小与类型不同的铜块与凝灰岩砖组成
  • 更常见于地下深版岩层
  • 类似于远古城市,怪物不会自然生成在结构内
  • 起始结构不会生成在深暗之域,但是可能会重叠

  • The layout of each Trial Chamber is procedurally generated, and can include traps, rewards and a variety of combat areas

    • Decorated Pots line the corridors and hold hidden treasures
    • Supply Barrels can be found between different rooms, and give you blocks and items which help you navigate your trials
    • Vaults are guarded by challenges in each room, and can be a source of many high level Enchanted Books and equipment including a very rare chance to receive a Trident
    • Ominous Vaults can be found in harder to reach places and give even better loot than standard Vaults, including some items which are exclusive to Ominous Vaults
  • 试炼密室的布局由程序生成,包含陷阱和奖励和不同类型战斗区域

    • 饰纹陶罐生成在走廊两旁,含有隐藏的宝藏
    • 供给木桶能在不同的房间被找到,给予方块和物品帮助你完成试炼
    • 宝库被挑战守卫着,是高等级附魔书和装备的来源,包括概率获得的三叉戟
    • 不详宝库能在更难抵达的位置被发现,比宝库拥有更好的掉落,包含来宝库无法获取的物品

  • Each Trial Chamber will include Trial Spawners with a melee, small melee, or ranged category:

    • Melee

      • Zombie
      • Husk
      • Spider

    • Small Melee

      • Slime
      • Cave Spider
      • Baby Zombie
      • Silverfish

    • Ranged

      • Skeleton
      • Stray
      • Bogged
  • 每个试炼密室将包含近战型,小型近战型与远程形试炼刷怪笼:

    • 近战型
    • 僵尸
    • 尸壳
    • 蜘蛛
    • 小型近战型
    • 史莱姆
    • 洞穴蜘蛛
    • 小僵尸
    • 蠹虫
    • 远程型
    • 骷髅
    • 流浪者
    • 沼骸
  • Each Trial Spawner category will only use one mob for the entire structure when generated, and these mobs are randomized for each Trial Chamber

    • For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, while another might only spawn Spiders, Silverfish and Skeletons
    • The exceptions to this are some Trial Spawners in unique rooms which always spawn Breezes
  • 每个生成的试炼刷怪笼类型在整个结构中只会使用同一个怪物,并且这些怪物在试炼密室是随机的

    • 比如一个试炼密室可能生成僵尸、洞穴蜘蛛和流浪者,其他的可能只生成蜘蛛,蠹虫和骷髅
    • 例外情况是一些独特房间的刷怪笼总是生成旋风人


Technical Changes

  • Data Pack version is now 48
  • Resource Pack version is now 34
  • Removed the update_1_21 feature flag and built-in datapack
  • Server can now provide list of links to client
  • Servers can add custom details to crash and disconnection reports
  • Report data generator now includes information about network packets
  • The game will now store reports from failed chunk loads and saves in the debug directory
  • 数据包版本现为 48
  • 资源包版本现为 34
  • 移除了 update_1_21 特性标志与内建数据包
  • 服务器现在可向客户端提供链接列表
  • 服务器现在可在崩溃和断线报告中添加自定义内容
  • 报告数据生成器现在将会包含网络包信息
  • 游戏现在会存储调试目录下区块载入与保存的报告

Server Links
  • New clientbound packet server_links is available in configuration and game protocols
  • On receival, the links are made available in the Pause Menu
  • Link labels can be built-in or custom (i.e. any text)
  • Some built-ins also have special functionality:

    • report_bug:

      • link will be displayed on disconnection screen, if disconnection was caused by packet handling error
      • link will be included as a comment in disconnection report

  • Additionally, there are some generic-use link names, like "Support" or "Website", without any special functionality
  • Added bug-report-link to to allow vanilla server to configure report_bug links

    • If this field is non-empty, server will send that link to clients
    • This field should contain well-formed URL
  • 新的 clientbound 包 server_links 在配置与游戏协议中可用
  • 接收时,暂停菜单中可见链接
  • 链接标签可为内置或自定义(如任意文本)
  • 部分内置标签也有自定义功能:
    • report_bug:
      • 如果断线由包处理错误导致,链接将会在对应界面显示
      • 断线报告中的链接会作为注释而保留
  • 另外,也有通用的链接名称,如“支持(Support)”或“网站(Website)”,无额外功能
  • 中添加了 bug-report-link 允许原版服务器配置 report_bug 文件
    • 若该部分非空,服务器将会把这部分链接发送给客户端
    • 该部分应当包含格式正确的 URL

Custom Server Crash Report Details

  • New clientbound packet custom_report_details is available in the configuration and game protocols
  • This packet contains a list of key-value text entries
  • If received, contents of this packet will be added in a separate section to any crash or disconnection report generated during connection to this server
  • 新的 clientbound 包 custom_report_details 现可在配置文件与游戏协议中使用
  • 该数据包含有一系列键值对
  • 接收后,包的内容将会被添加至加入该服务器后的任意崩溃或断线报告中

Data Pack Versions 42 Through 48

Fixed bugs in 1.21
Around 220 bugs were fixed in this release. View the list on the issue tracker.
近220个bug在本正式发布版本中被修复,View the 详情点此查看.

Get the Release

To install the Release, open up the Minecraft Launcher and click play! Make sure your Launcher is set to the "Latest Release” option.
Cross-platform server jar:
Report bugs here:
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Lv.11 领主

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26 点

石镐矿工勋章铁镐矿工勋章钻镐矿工勋章青苹果勋章红苹果勋章金苹果勋章小麦种勋章苹果树勋章下界疣勋章论坛十周年纪念勋章面包勋章骨灰勋章猪灵勋章Java正版勋章Windows 10正版勋章金锭勋章金块勋章搬运工勋章捉虫专家勋章疯狂搬运工勋章精英翻译官勋章

发表于 2024-6-19 09:48:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2024-6-19 09:50 编辑


  • 数据包版本现为 48
  • 资源包版本现为 34
  • 移除了 update_1_21 特性标志与内建数据包
  • 服务器现在可向客户端提供链接列表
  • 服务器现在可在崩溃和断线报告中添加自定义内容
  • 报告数据生成器现在将会包含网络包信息
  • 游戏现在会存储调试目录下区块载入与保存的报告


  • 新的 clientbound 包 server_links 在配置与游戏协议中可用
  • 接收时,暂停菜单中可见链接
  • 链接标签可为内置或自定义(如任意文本)
  • 部分内置标签也有自定义功能:
    • report_bug:
      • 如果断线由包处理错误导致,链接将会在对应界面显示
      • 断线报告中的链接会作为注释而保留

  • 另外,也有通用的链接名称,如“支持(Support)”或“网站(Website)”,无额外功能
  • 中添加了 bug-report-link 允许原版服务器配置 report_bug 文件
    • 若该部分非空,服务器将会把这部分链接发送给客户端
    • 该部分应当包含格式正确的 URL


  • 新的 clientbound 包 custom_report_details 现可在配置文件与游戏协议中使用
  • 该数据包含有一系列键值对
  • 接收后,包的内容将会被添加至加入该服务器后的任意崩溃或断线报告中


参与人数 1 人气 +2 金粒 +22 收起 理由
wolski + 2 + 22 MCBBS有你更精彩~



使用道具 举报


4203 点
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4232 颗
161 点

石镐矿工勋章铁镐矿工勋章钻镐矿工勋章青苹果勋章红苹果勋章金苹果勋章小麦种勋章苹果树勋章下界疣勋章论坛十周年纪念勋章面包勋章曲奇勋章蛋糕勋章荣誉版主勋章论坛元老勋章骨灰勋章Java正版勋章Windows 10正版勋章金锭勋章金块勋章开发人员勋章红石爱好者勋章地图专家勋章捉虫专家勋章士兵勋章骑士勋章擂台赛10参与勋章擂台赛11优胜勋章擂台赛14参与勋章第7届创意赛参与奖第8届创意赛参与奖第9届创意赛参与奖超还原纪念勋章灵感大区联合活动 十九世纪 勋章优秀小组勋章-霜露

发表于 2024-7-13 00:42:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 阴阳师元素之灵 于 2024-7-13 00:44 编辑


结构 试炼密室

· 试炼密室是主世界的新结构,玩家能探索并进行战斗挑战。
o 由大小与类型不同的铜块与凝灰岩砖组成
o 更常见于地下深版岩层
o 类似于远古城市,怪物不会自然生成在结构内
o 起始结构不会生成在深暗之域,但是可能会重叠

· Trial Chambers are a new structure in the Overworld where players can explore and take on combat challenges
o Made out of a variety of Copper and Tuff blocks, and can be found in different sizes
o A relatively common find throughout the Deepslate layer of the underground
o Natural mob spawning does not occur inside, similar to Ancient Cities
o Never starts inside a Deep Dark biome, but can sometimes overlap it
· 试炼密室的布局由程序生成,包含陷阱和奖励和不同类型战斗区域
o 饰纹陶罐生成在走廊两旁,含有隐藏的宝藏
o 供给木桶能在不同的房间被找到,给予方块和物品帮助你完成试炼
o 宝库被挑战守卫着,是高等级附魔书和装备的来源,包括概率获得的三叉戟
o 不详宝库能在更难抵达的位置被发现,比宝库拥有更好的掉落,包含来宝库无法获取的物品
· The layout of each Trial Chamber is procedurally generated, and can include traps, rewards and a variety of combat areas
o Decorated Pots line the corridors and hold hidden treasures
o Supply Barrels can be found between different rooms, and give you blocks and items which help you navigate your trials
o Vaults are guarded by challenges in each room, and can be a source of many high level Enchanted Books and equipment including a very rare chance to receive a Trident
o Ominous Vaults can be found in harder to reach places and give even better loot than standard Vaults, including some items which are exclusive to Ominous Vaults
· 每个试炼密室将包含近战型,小型近战型与远程形试炼刷怪笼:
o 近战型
§ 僵尸
§ 尸壳
§ 蜘蛛
o 小型近战型
§ 史莱姆
§ 洞穴蜘蛛
§ 小僵尸
§ 蠹虫
o 远程型
§ 骷髅
§ 流浪者
§ 沼骸
· Each Trial Chamber will include Trial Spawners with a melee, small melee, or ranged category:
o Melee
§ Zombie
§ Husk
§ Spider
o Small Melee
§ Slime
§ Cave Spider
§ Baby Zombie
§ Silverfish
o Ranged
§ Skeleton
§ Stray
§ Bogged
· 每个生成的试炼刷怪笼类型在整个结构中只会使用同一个怪物,并且这些怪物在试炼密室是随机的
o 比如一个试炼密室可能生成僵尸、洞穴蜘蛛和流浪者,其他的可能只生成蜘蛛,蠹虫和骷髅
o 例外情况是一些独特房间的刷怪笼总是生成旋风人
· Each Trial Spawner category will only use one mob for the entire structure when generated, and these mobs are randomized for each Trial Chamber
o For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, while another might only spawn Spiders, Silverfish and Skeletons
o The exceptions to this are some Trial Spawners in unique rooms which always spawn Breezes



参与人数 1 人气 +2 金粒 +22 收起 理由
wolski + 2 + 22 MCBBS有你更精彩~



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