FireworkPolymer 发表于 2024-7-31 21:37:57

ModifyPlayer ——对玩家进行一些操作

1. `/health <set/add/remove> <health> ` - Set/Add/Remove player's health. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself. If 'set max' is set to true, it will also set the player's maximum health. If not specified, the maximum health is not modified, only the current health is adjusted.
2. `/setfalldistance <distance> ` - Set player's fall distance. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
3. `/burn <time> ` - Set player's burning time. Time is measured in ticks . If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
4. `/freeze <time> ` - Set player's freeze time. Time is measured in ticks. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
5. `/toggleglow ` - Toggle player's glowing effect. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
6. `/togglegravity ` - Toggle player's gravity. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
7. `/toggleinvulnerable ` - Toggle player's invulnerability. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
8. `/togglefakefire ` - Toggle player's fake fire effect. It makes them look like on fire, but it's only a visual effect.If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
9. `/forcebreak ` - Make the player attempt to break the currently targeted block with the item in hand. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself. This command instantly destroys the block in front of the player using the item in hand. Drops are based on the item being used. For example, breaking diamond ore with bare hands will not drop any items, while breaking it with a Fortune III Netherite pickaxe may drop multiple diamonds. This command can be used to break bedrock, barriers, etc., but not command blocks. Use with caution.
10. `/chat <player> <message>` - Send a message in the chat as a specific player. The player name must be provided.
11. `/cansee <player1> <player2>` - Toggle whether player1 can see player2.
12. `/setndt <time> ` - Set player's no damage ticks. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.
13. `/setarrowsinbody <amount> ` - Set the number of arrows in player's body. If player is not specified, it defaults to oneself.

Permission: modifyplayer.
for example

If you didn't enable the fly in the server, players will be kicked for the reason "Fly in the server is not enabled" when they are gravity-less

Insulator 发表于 2024-8-1 07:50:00

/health <set/add/remove> <health> - 设置、增加或减少玩家的生命值。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。如果设置了'set max'为真,则同时设置玩家的最大生命值。若未指定,最大生命值不会改变,仅调整当前生命值。
/setfalldistance <distance> - 设置玩家的坠落距离。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/burn <time> - 设置玩家的燃烧时间。时间单位为刻(ticks),20刻等于1秒。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/freeze <time> - 设置玩家的冻结时间。时间单位为刻。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/toggleglow - 开关玩家的发光效果。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/togglegravity - 开关玩家的重力。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/toggleinvulnerable - 开关玩家的无敌状态。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/togglefakefire - 开关玩家的假火焰效果。这会使他们看起来像在着火,但实际上只是视觉效果。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/forcebreak - 让玩家尝试用手中的物品破坏当前瞄准的方块。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。此命令会立即摧毁玩家前方的方块,掉落物取决于使用的物品。例如,徒手破坏钻石矿石不会掉落任何物品,而使用附有III级掠夺的下界合金镐头破坏它可能会掉落多颗钻石。此命令可以用来破坏黑曜石、屏障等,但不能破坏命令方块。请谨慎使用。
/chat <player> <message> - 以特定玩家的身份发送聊天信息。必须提供玩家名称。
/cansee <player1> <player2> - 切换player1是否能看到player2。
/setndt <time> - 设置玩家的无伤害计时器。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。
/setarrowsinbody <amount> - 设置玩家身上箭矢的数量。如果不指定玩家,则默认为施动者自身。



名副其实 发表于 2024-8-2 11:50:13


FireworkPolymer 发表于 2024-8-2 22:48:53

名副其实 发表于 2024-8-2 11:50

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查看完整版本: ModifyPlayer ——对玩家进行一些操作